Vulture Realness Invocation
or I just can’t be like this with you anymore
randy reyes (US/GT)
Title Vulture Realness Invocation or I just can’t be like this with you anymore (video) | Piece Length 7 min.
Espaço Alkantara | 1 and 2 July
The Precipice becomes The Portal leading to The Initiation into The Underworld. For All of Us. Standing Still becomes the only sustainable Movement of the Body through the Breath. What Textures remain in the Ashes of my Unknowing? What are my Values? What do I Stand for now, and again and again? You won’t go down without a Fight. This I know. I surrender.
Choreographed and performed by randy reyes (US/GT)
Filmed and edited by Chani Bockwinkel
Short Bio
randy reyes is prioritizing resting, dreaming, healing, and meditation as forms of resisting.
Thank you ancestrxs, mentors, friends, and lovers near and far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on.
Image Credits Hannah Ayasse, Performance Primers, Oakland, CA 2019