Loose loop
Leire Aranberri (ES)
Title Loose Loop | Piece Length 30 min
Espaço da Penha | 20 e 21 June | 18h40
In Loose Loop Leire sets herself in a circuit in which, through a mechanism of repetition, she explores the relationship between what is and what no longer is. While busy with questions such as “Is there enough space in the present to include the past?”, “What do I see if I imagine and at the same time I look in order to remember?” she seeks to investigate on the plasticity of memory and its effect on action.
By and with Leire Aranberri (ES)
Short Bio
Leire Aranberri (Bilbao, Spain, 1993) is an artist who has studied medicine and works with the body in relation to both topics.
Forum Dança team, PACAP4 group, Christine de Smedt and Susana Talayero.
Image Credits Leire Aranberri