Apocalypse among friends
or simply the day
Julián Pacomio (ES)
Title Apocalypse among friends or simply the day | Piece Length 60 min. (open doors)
Espaço da Penha | 20 and 21 June| 20h15
For a long time we’ve been going to bed early. We are people of the day, night is someone else’s business. We wait for the apocalypse together, all of us, here. At some point the familiar, the intimate, will become unsettling, and the end will come peacefully, so kind.
Something dark will emerge to the surface incriminating life, and nothing will be the same; memories, those of passed times, will no longer matter; only the strongest ones will, that is, those of now. We will never be contemporary again and only daylight will remain, as simple as that.
[…] this doesn’t make sense but the rest doesn’t make sense but the rest is death.
By Julián Pacomio (ES)
Performance Daniel Pizamiglio, Alina Ruíz Folini, Sara Vieira Marques, Marina Dubia, Leire Aranberri Laure Fleitz, Maria Abrantes, Aline Combe and Julián Pacomio.
Short Bio
Julián Pacomio (Mérida, Spain, 1986) is an artist and a performer. His performing art works question the idea of copying, remaking, translation and appropriation of others’ materials. www.julianpacomio.net
Iván Haidar, Ignacio de Antonio Antón, Carolina Campos, Ángela Millano and João dos Santos Martins.
Image Credits The Triumph of Death, Pieter Bruegel the Elder. 1562