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of Ethics

Message from the Board


As a pioneering organization in the dissemination, training, production and creation of contemporary dance in Portugal, Forum Dança has, for over three decades, been guided by a culture of work and human relations marked by dedication to contemporary art, arts professionals and audiences, pursuing, in the process, ethical principles inherent to its vision.

In this sense, the Code of Ethics that we now present is a guidance and management tool that makes explicit the ethical, social, and professional values of our organization. It transcribes a set of recommendations that aim to streamline, both internally and externally, the relationships of work and fruition between people, partner entities, and stakeholders, who communicate and collaborate with us.

Although we are a small organization, we have a strong and rich history, and we have touched the lives of many people around the world. We believe, therefore, that art can contribute to the encounter of cultures and that ethical care can enrich human relationships.

We thus present our values and commitments. People who work and collaborate directly with Forum Dança, and students in training programs are covered by this code. We also encourage those who collaborate externally with us and visiting artists, as well as all people and entities who attend our workspaces or participate in our projects, to follow it.

Welcome to Forum Dança!


The Board


Suggestions, complaints, compliments, send email to forumdanca@forumdanca.pt

Forum Dança’s Code of Ethics

Mission and Vision

Forum Dança is a place of relationships taking place in the area of contemporary art, in particular dance.


Its mission is to promote dance as an art form, a human asset and an area of knowledge. To this end, it organizes training, artistic and scientific dissemination, curatorial activities in the performing arts, publishing and activities of support for young artists. These activities result in the meeting between people of different ages and with various degrees of specialization in dance, who live, work or simply enjoy the field of arts.


Forum Dança is also a space of identity, memory and archive of more than 30 years of history of contemporary dance in Portugal. Its programmatic line aims to strengthen its activity in the area of reflection, critical thinking and artistic research, promoting the crossing of ideas in interdisciplinary fields, as well as attention to the plurality of proposals that substantiate contemporary practices in multiple areas, from experimental to academic, from training to performance.


To this end, it maintains, and aims to extend, a global and updated dialogue with other stakeholders who share a common philosophy of action: audiences, dance companies, theaters and performance spaces; professionals of teaching and artistic creation in the field of stage practices, performance studies and the body; organizations of local, central and European powers.



Creativity, Human Development, Respect, Organizational Citizenship, Quality





  • Advocate the inclusion of creativity in everyday life;
  • Promote original ideas in training, and visionary ideas in programming;
  • Organize internal meetings to take time to create ideas and promote originality;
  • Seek local distinctiveness, and act by promoting glocalization.


Human Development

  • Enable the enjoyment of art in people of various ages;
  • Accompany the development of artists, following their career stages;
  • Promote artistic practice, in studio, as research, valuing it as a form of knowledge production, as well as its connection to universities;
  • Promote knowledge through artistic research, training, documentation and archiving practices;
  • Promote equity, enabling people with different life histories and resources to have the same opportunities.



  • Accept the uniqueness of the other person;
  • Care for human relations with civility and urbanity;
  • Do not exercise any form of physical, verbal, moral or sexual violence;
  • Be reliable in the information received and transmitted;
  • Be transparent in the formulation of commitments;


Organizational citizenship

  • Respect for compliance with the law, as well as human rights, and promotion of democracy;
  • Include sustainability objectives – at the social, environmental and economic levels – in both the planning and performance phases of activities;
  • Maintain up-to-date professional relationships in a globalized world;
  • Pay attention to the specific needs of the human populations that seek our organization, as well as to the possibility of developing philanthropic actions;
  • Implement a Gender Equality Plan (GEP), following the recommendation of the European Commission.



  • Integrate recognized excellent teachers, artists and professionals in technical areas in our projects;
  • Maintain an international network of professional partnerships and participate in its updating;
  • Accompany all project phases – planning, promotion, execution – according to adequate standards;
  • Encourage the continuous training of human resources of Forum Dança;
  • Encourage the transmission of knowledge, in a working environment, between senior and junior persons.