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Espaço da Penha

Espaço da Penha

After 5 years of co-habitation in LXFactory, O Rumo do Fumo and Forum Dança created Espaço da Penha, a place of collaboration offering greater proximity between the different artistic entities that inhabit it.


O Rumo do Fumo and Forum Dança are two contemporary dance structures with complementary activities – training and creation – that have been collaborating throughout their existence. The sharing of space is shows a collaboration format within the dance community and potentiates new working dynamics.


The project Espaço da Penha, at Travessa do Calado 26 B, implied several interventions to adapt and improve the space – about 1200 m2 of area, with 5 studios, 5 offices, a training and documentation center and several common areas.



Forum Dança - Espaço da Penha
Resident artistic structures:


In addition to being the work center of the two structures, Espaço da Penha is permanently hosting other structures and artists, such as Frame 408 in the areas of Architecture and Urban Intervention, Valentina Desideri artist and academic in the area of performance, and the Colectivo Piscina – in which the artists Márcia Lança, Carolina Campos, Leticia Skrycky, Santiago Rodríguez Tricot, Romain Beltrão Teule, Julian Pacomio, Bibi Dória, Bruno Brandolino, Filipe Caldeira, Daniel Pizamiglio and Adalina Anobile integrate, in the area of performance.