The title was all I had, now I have nothing
Suiá Burger Ferlauto (BR)
Title The title was all I had, now I have nothing | Piece Length 30 min
Espaço da Penha | 20 and 21 June | 18h00
I used to talk about myself as a video artist, or a dancer, choreographer, a lot of things, but artist is enough. And perhaps that’s all I need to say to start this conversation.
Concept and performance Suiá Burger Ferlauto (BR)
Short Bio
Suiá Burger Ferlauto (São Paulo, 1977) is an artist, performer and educator. In the last 20 years she has devoted herself to practices and collaborations in the field of visual and performing arts. Currently her interest is focused on permanence exercises and ‘non-creative’ ways of operating.
To colleagues, teachers, creators, PACAP4 producers for valuable exchanges and support.
To Adalgisa Campos, Elisa Band, Renan Marcondes for the interviews in english.
To Mara Guerreiro and Zélia Monteiro for personalized home lesson plans.
To Frame Colectivo.
Special thanks to Christine de Smedt, João dos Santos Martins and Vera Mantero.
Image Credits Natália Mendonça