Camilla Morello, Tarlie Lumby
and Victor Lattaque
Pthst’ N
Duration 60 min (aprox.) | Age rating: 16+ | Single price 2€ (Buy Ticket)
TBA – Teatro do Bairro Alto | Stage of the Main Auditorium (reduce seating capacity – 42 seats)
21 and 22 July | fri 21h00 and sat 16h30
This is a synopsis. This synopsis starts where your eyes decide to land. The land is the unsettled place of nowhere. Nowhere is where anything can be everywhere in any time. Time begins where story ends. Ends are not the opposite of anything. Anything might appear in an un-named land. Land inhabited only by the innocent nobody. Nobody are corpses and fools moved by enigma and expansion. Expansion through otherness. Otherness being just. Just enough separateness to prompt us into longing, just enough longing to remind us we are separate.
Created and performed by Anatoli Collective
External eye Catarina Saraiva
Anatoli is a collective based in Lisbon born from and through multiple biographies. Created in forms of togetherness that centres tenderness, unknown qualities and the reconfiguration of kinship.
Camilla Morello’s artistic research, the result of eclectic interests and training, builds on the interdisciplinarity between theatrical language, dance and performance, having also been related with video, photography and installation. Graduated at the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema in Rome as actress, after a degree in Anthropology (La Sapienza University, Rome) and studies of art, philosophy, and aesthetics (Univesité Paris 8) moves to Lisbon where he specializes in the biennial course of Olga Roriz’s dance- theater and attends workshops with various artists. Worked with Tamara Cubas, Miguel Moreira, Miguel Pereira, Catarina Câmara, Maurícia Neves, Mickaël de Oliveira and Nuno M. Cardoso among others.
Tarlie Lumby is a British dance artist and choreographer currently based in Berlin. With a BA in Art and Visual Culture and many years training and working in dance they have developed a rich interdisciplinary practices focused on contemporary dance and live art. Preoccupied with the exploration of altered states, spirit and mystery; Their choreographic works aim to create immersive sites of encounter where deep states of connection, fantasy and the transpersonal expose the body as an archive of human dreams.
Victor Lattaque Bio
I no longer want to say by courage
I want to present myself to space, to time, to the object, to others through what I am,
I no longer want to walk by will
But to celebrate life out of necessity
I no longer want my good understanding of what I see, what I hear
I want a more unfathomable/penetrating/essential relationship to the living and to all that is attempted
I want to have regards for reality when she is stands beneath my eyes and when I speak about her
I want to hold in esteem the living, the dead and the unborn
Endless gratitude to all PACAP 6 artist. All choreographers and artist that worked with us during PACAP 6. Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz. Leticia Skrycky and Santi. Forum Dança team – Dora Carvalho, Carolina Martins, Mafalda Sustelo & Ezequiel Santos. Elio, Ana Correa, Catarina Saraiva, Holly Stoppit, Restaurante Bolos Caseiros.
Image Credits © Anatoli Collective (2023)
TBA – Teatro do Bairro Alto | PACAP 6 / Forum Dança: 8 Works
Culturgest | Inside Out: PACAP 6 New Creations
Coproducers and Support
Coproducers PACAP 6: Teatro do Bairro Alto and Culturgest
Support PACAP 6: Casa da Dança – Almada, Fundação GDA, O Rumo do Fumo, Alkantara, OPART | Estúdios Victor Córdon, O Espaço do Tempo, Piscina.